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Why we exist, what we do and how you can use content of Klimafakten

Climate change: We get the discussion going

Who we are in brief

Klimafakten is the leading German-language online resource on climate communications.

We are an online magazine providing up-to-date reporting on how to engage the public in addressing climate change.

Our handbook on climate communication is the most comprehensive German-language resource on the subject. The handbook also provides the framework for the training courses we are offering. These trainings aim at equipping climate communicators with the concepts and methods they need for engaging, solution-oriented communication.

With our partners, we are also organising K3 Conference and the K3 Awards on climate communications.

What we believe in: acts must be facts.

Climate change poses huge challenges, and tough questions. A constructive debate over the best way to protect our planet must be grounded, first and foremost, in facts. That’s where we come in. 

We digest the complex findings of climate research and produce short, accessible reports, explaining their implications for different sectors of the economy and society. 

We address questions and critical arguments against the conclusions drawn from scientific research, and present the scientific evidence in the “facts and assertions” section (“Fakten statt Behauptungen”) of our website.

What we focus on in our news coverage: Facts alone don’t communicate.

Relating facts and research findings doesn’t automatically lead to climate action and meaningful climate policy. For knowledge to become action, we need an open debate and a lively exchange of ideas. 

Accordingly, new ways of fostering public debate about climate change are a central focus of our work. Our newsletter keeps readers informed about the latest research into climate communication, document successful practice, and present key players in the field.

Our guiding principles

Klimafakten literally means climate facts – our name encapsulates our high standards of accuracy and reliability. To live up to our name, we follow rigorous editorial guidelines that include working closely with our scientific advisors

Some of our content is based on that of Australian sister project, Skeptical Science, which was founded by John Cook, Global Change Institute/University of Queensland in 2007.

How we are organised 

Klimafakten was founded in 2011. It was initiated and funded by Stiftung Mercator and the European Climate Foundation; until April 2021 as part of the Smart Energy for Europe Platform (SEFEP). Since April 2021 Klimafakten is a joint initiative of the European Climate Foundation and Stiftung Mercator under the roof of the 2050 Media Projekt gGmbH, a not-for-profit organisation under German law.

Our small team comprised of five staff is based in Berlin, Germany. Organisationally, we are working under the same roof as our sister project Clean Energy Wire, a media service which produces, facilitates and support top-quality journalism about climate policy and the energy transition.

We cooperate with partner organisations in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, including the Climate Change Centre Austria, ProClim Schweiz, MeteoSwiss, the Deutsches Klima-Konsortium, Climate Outreach, KlimaAktiv, Klimastiftung für Bürger, Psychologists for Future and many others.

For a more comprehensive overview of our funders and partners, see here.

Recognition for our work

Klimafakten's contribution to climate journalism was recognised by Environmental Action Germany (DUH) with its 2017 Environmental Media Prize.

In 2022 Klimafakten was awarded the Science Journalism Award of the German Psychological Society (DGPs).


Using content from Klimafakten?

Would you like to quote or use content from Klimafakten? This is how it works.

We would be pleased if you were to use, disseminate and publish Klimafakten content. This is possible under the following conditions:

You may save, download, forward to third parties, distribute, publish in any other form the contents of this website and link to this website. With the prior written consent of Klimafakten, you can integrate the contents into other websites. The contents of Klimafakten must not be changed or falsified.

If you quote, reproduce, disseminate or otherwise publish contents of Klimafakten, please cite Klimafakten as the source. We would appreciate back links on the appropriate content or a general link to Klimafakten.

Please feel free to contact us at info[at]klimafakten.de or by phone at +49 (30) 62858 497.

Please note that all links lead to the German-language website.